Fortress picnic
The celebration of the 95th anniversary of the Second Silesian Uprising behind us. On this occasion was held steeplechase „Hałdami Śląska” and VII Fortress picnic dedicated to this anniversary. Silesian insurgents staging attacks on Piaśniki Park, visiting Polish combat bunker from 1937, some highlights of this event.
It is worth mentioning that during the picnic Museumof the Silesian Uprisings enriched by another exhibit from the collection of Jaroslaw Bełdowski. He gave to our institution the official table. It comes from the period 1922 – 1926 r., And was on the headquar ters building Police Region of Silesia in Katowice. Recall that collector, for many years collecting memorabilia of the insurgents. A year ago his private collection was donated to the museum in Świętochłowice.
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